
Companies that own internet backbone networks are called
Companies that own internet backbone networks are called

companies that own internet backbone networks are called companies that own internet backbone networks are called

Roads are built and maintained through both public funds and taxes on vehicles, but do not themselves fill the coffers of municipalities. The open access model is often compared to road systems. In this competitive marketplace, ISPs compete for customers and have incentives to innovate rather than simply locking out competitors with a de facto monopoly.

companies that own internet backbone networks are called

Municipalities build the physical infrastructure (fiber-optic lines, wireless access points, etc.) and independent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) operate in a competitive market using the same physical network. Publicly owned, open access networks can create a vibrant and innovative market for telecommunications services. Open access provides a solution: multiple providers sharing the same physical network. However, the high cost of building networks is a barrier for new ISPs to enter the market - limiting the number of options for communities. One means of ensuring high quality is via competition – if people can switch away from their Internet Service Provider, the ISP has an incentive to provide better services. A key problem in improving Internet access has been ensuring residents and local businesses have high quality services.

Companies that own internet backbone networks are called