Superior UV resistance and weathering characteristics.Its moisture-cure chemistry creates a very aggressive chemical bond with the roof, which provides permanent ponding water resistance, extreme durability, and superior capabilities of sealing and protection. Offers excellent adhesion in horizontal and vertical applications. (204) Questions & Answers (201) UV- and ponding water-resistant sealant. This item: Henry Tropi-Cool 885 White 100 Silicone Roof Sealant 1 gal.
Great prices & free shipping on orders over 50 when you sign in or sign. 885 Tropi-Cool 100 Silicone Seam and Repair Roof Sealant. Specially designed to maintain maximum reflectivity of heat and UV rays as it ages. Order Henry TropiCool White Silicone Roof Coating 475 gal, HE887HS073 at. While suitable for use in all climates, the 100% silicone chemistry is especially suited for extreme tropical environments, which are exposed to some of the hottest and wettest weather with intense UV exposure. Featuring 100 silicone and lifetime warranty. Roof sealer can be used on rolled roofing, RV's and more. Now with Dirt Pick-Up Resistance (DPR) Technology, it will keep your roof whiter and brighter longer. Henry® 887 Tropi-Cool® 100% Silicone White Roof Coating is a premium, 100% silicone, moisture-cure coating designed to reflect the sun's heat and UV rays as well as protect many types of roofs. Just bought this to coat the top of my 1984 coleman Sequoia pup no she was my question is I think it has a fiberglass top it should be fine as long as I. (1152) Questions & Answers (1333) 100 waterproof, energy efficient, reflective roof coating. Henry 887 Tropi-Cool 100 Silicone White Roof Coating is a premium, 100 silicone, moisture-cure coating designed to reflect the sun's heat and UV rays as well as protect many types of roofs.