It's just a common design choice started by Faust for this generation of MLP. I don't think the number of objects within the cutie mark bears any significant meaning for that reason. If you'll notice, Rarity has three diamonds for a cutie mark, Fluttershy has three butterflies, and Pinkie Pie has three balloons. I don't think the three apples represent anything in particular, other than a strong affiliation with apples which are the crop that she grows. She can make any amazing product imaginable with her apples as well - fritters, pies, cakes, fries, cider, brown bettys, tarts, consumer electronics, you name it, she can probably apple-ify it. She keeps her family organized and on schedule (as Apple Bloom put it in Pinkie Apple Pie) and she's a very strong and diligent applebucker with genuine passion for what she does despite how hard it is. And there's no doubt about it, she is truly an expert at her craft. This implies that she received her cutie mark because apple farming was her calling in life. Applejack said so herself in The Cutie Mark Chronicles that she knew right then just who she was supposed to be when she went home to her family to work in the orchard. I always sort of thought that the Mane Six all had cutie marks that represented a broad range of not just talents, but destinies too. Farming is more than how the Apple family makes a living, it's how they connect to each other and how they've built the bond they have, which is the real thing that makes them special to me.Īlternatively, apples, and I should go to bed instead of overanalyzing cartoons. Not that this isn't a normal reaction of course, and not to say that Applejack is a slave to her cutie mark in some way or that she does any of what she does because of it, but I consider the farming and the family aspects of her life to both be very important to who she is and I think both are important in looking at her cutie mark and talent. She's extremely good at being a big sister to Apple Bloom and a comforting presence to the people around her, and she has a history of getting very troubled and reacting very negatively (by Applejack standards) when something isn't right with her family members. To me, this seems to be as important to her identity and talent as the farming part. I think it also relates to keeping her family together and looking after them, since she didn't get her mark by doing anything specifically related to apples, but rather when she realized she belonged at home with her brother and granny. Bucking the apples, baking them into whatever form they need to be in, all that stuff. Applejack's talent is clearly connected to her running the apple farm.